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  • Writer's pictureNatalia Vazquez

Why you should do Oil Cleansing...

Updated: Jun 17, 2020

After watching a video from The Golden Rx Youtuber, also known as LA Beautyologist. I tried her Oil Cleansing technique, not only that but I learned a lot more through watching her video on Oil Cleansing. I recommend watching her video for more information on oil cleansing and the different types of products.

Why is Oil Cleansing Beneficial?

Removes dead skin cells, pore blockages, bacteria, makeup, dirt, SPF etc. Most importantly congestion out of the pores for your skin to be more fresh, clean and beautiful.

It is also for ALL types of skin.

What I did?

I used the oil cleansing product that she was using on her video:

I bought this product at Target unfortunately the one I went to only had the mini version but it was only $5.

After using this product for about 20 minutes on dry skin, I got the congestion out of the pores.

Later on, my skin felt really soft after washing out the oil and moisturizing.

I will continue to do this oil cleansing, every week because it is not recommended to do it too frequently for the good of your skin. If you oil cleanse too frequently, you'll pull too much of the skin's natural sebum away.

Recommend this oil cleansing along with watching the video to learn a lot more.

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