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  • Writer's pictureNatalia Vazquez


Recently, June 18th the Supreme Court ruled that the Trump administration can’t get rid of DACA immediately.

A program that protects 700,000 young immigrants from deportation. DACA was established by President Barack Obama back in 2012, the benefits are not only to protect from deportation but to gain a work permit. This program requires every young dreamer to renew every two years.

As a DACA recipient, I am grateful that this program exists and relieved that the Supreme Court did not eliminate it. Not only would it have affected me badly but also essential works that are dreamers working as nurses, doctors, etc.

Although we face many barriers, for example, we don’t have certain rights such as we can’t vote, making it harder for our voices to be heard.

We do not have access to many scholarships due to the requirement of citizenship causing a barrier for higher education.

To renew we have to pay every two years $495 before it expires, many of us may not have access to that amount easily.

These are not all the barriers that DACA recipients face. Most of us have faced discrimination for not being an American and coming into this country in search of a better life in the United States.

As this is a temporary win, we are still fighting for a permanent solution for our community.

How can you help?

As new applications are being accepted now since it was taken down from the Trump Administration you can help by donating to WWW.DACARENEWALFUND.COM

Those who can vote, please take into consideration DACA recipients: friends, family coworkers, essential workers, etc. That can’t vote and vote for representatives that support DACA.

Resources for Dreamers:

DACA Scholarship Application- Raices is giving financial assistance on DACA applications, fill out the google form.

DACA Renewal financial Assistance- Google doc of organizations for DACA recipients that need financial help with the application & contact information.

Immigrants like Us- Help DACA recipients renew or marriage green card applications by preparing immigration forms. This is useful because it usually costs money which many get Lawyers that charge for this service that is free on this website.

Post-Supreme Court Decision DACA Guidance- Recommended reading of the update. As well something very important mentioned would be if you never had DACA and considering consult with an attorney.

Ask for help

From personal experience, I did not have the money for my renewal this year 2020. I asked my high school counselor for help, then the school’s foundation offered to pay for my DACA renewal fee and now I have my DACA renewed. Feeling relieved and extremely grateful by the school’s foundation at The Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders.

Dear reader, If you need help with this process, any questions, or ever want to talk about this don’t be afraid to contact me.

To be more educated & updated on DACA follow on Instagram:


“We are not aliens, we are humans.”

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