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  • Writer's pictureNatalia Vazquez

How to spend time during a pandemic..

Updated: Jun 17, 2020

Since the virus is going on, it's important to keep busy during social distancing. Yes, it can be possible.

Some of us tend to get lazy, and not maintain physical activity. Or start slacking off by eating unhealthy meals. Also, there are other things to keep your mental health good because during these times it can be stressful and frustrating. Well, these are some of my tips to you, and to keep yourself in check.

Go outside!

Around your neighborhood or even be in your yard. Staying in all day can become stressful and feeling unmotivated. At least 30 minutes outside can be good to take in that Vitamin D and fresh air improves your immune system and blood pressure.

Eat healthy and drink water!

Fruits or vegetables can help strengthen your immune system which is very important now these days and prevent you from getting sick.

Educate yourself!

Learn more about things happening in your community such as the Black Lives Matter movement, Elections, injustices, whats happening in Yemen, etc. You can help by contributing to a change, where people can benefit from through donating, raising awareness and signing petitions.

Create your own workout!

I have created some workouts, It's not hard creating your own workout. But first of all, you want to know what you want your body to gain from this workout.


Keeping you grounded to nature can cause positive emotions. Go outside and keep your community clean, pick up trash if there’s any around your area, and care for this planet because it’s the only one we got. This can cause happy emotions because it feels like you’ve been productive and that’s a good feeling.

Treat yourself!

It is good to keep yourself in check while the spas may be closedown. You can do some things at home to make yourself feel and look great. Ideas are painting your nails, treating your skin good if you want advice on which products are great for you to go to my Best Affordable Skincare Products blog post.


Keep in contact with friends or family through a phone call or FaceTime. Stay connected with people that make you feel good and can lift up your spirit.

Stay Safe!

Lastly, maintain good hygiene, wash your hands, wear masks when going out in public, put on hand sanitizer, and practice social distancing.

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