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  • Writer's pictureNatalia Vazquez

How to get motivated to workout...

Have you ever had a hard time getting motivated to workout? Because I have.

I didn't know how to get started, or what to do and keep it consistent. Until I realize I need some sort of physical activity for myself. Not only that but I did a research paper based on physical activity for my composition II class and found out many benefits from having a sort of physical activity. I realize I needed to take my own knowledge into action.

I'd like to provide for you a list of tips:

1. Setting Goals

Think about: what do you want to get out of working out?

Examples from general goals people may have:

- I want to get in better shape

- I want to engage in a better healthy lifestyle

- I want to feel better or be happy

From the research I did, I learned that working out is not only about looking great but could be about feeling better helps with mental health. Especially now since quarantine many of us have free time, staying home all day can cause stress for ourselves and can leave to negative emotions. Whenever I work out I feel I've accomplished something good for myself, it keeps me happy and confident.

2. Plan your workout Schedule

Following with goal setting, making more specific short term goals can also increase consistency.

- This could be making a planner for your workouts of every day or however you may like

Mine looks like:

3. Create a workout playlist

Personally I like to workout with music playing on my earphones, it keeps me going.

I listen to upbeat playlists that increases my mood of working out so much.

This playlist I recommend trying out is on spotify just click the link o

4. Fitness tracker

I have my apple watch on when I go running, I've noticed drastic changes when I first started running to now. I have gotten used to running, at first I used to get tired quickly I saw my time was very short but as I kept it constant my time went up for running and I found my pace for a long-lasting workout.

It also tells how many calories you burn from the time you workout, definitely recommend getting a fitness tracker although it's not essential for a good workout.

5. Treat yourself with new workout clothes

Do you ever plan an outfit to go out and can't wait to wear it?

For me is the same as wearing cute workout clothes and loving to feel cute while working out.

It keeps me going but tips on where to get work out clothes are coming soon on my blog.

6. Fitness gear

This goes again to what do you want to get out of working out?

Some gear can be:

  • Weights, if you want to gain some muscle.

  • Jumprope, if you want some cardio for your workout.

  • Resistant bands, if you want to form muscle based on how you are using it

  • Roller Wheel, if you want to gain some ab muscles

  • Waist Trimmers, this one I am wearing, I recommend this sweet sweat waist trimmer it's very comfortable, and it's satisfying when I take it off.

7. Youtube workout channels

Since we are social distancing and we might not be working out at the gym or with friends, some YouTubers have workout channels that keep you motivated to workout.

I have tried different YouTube channels such as:

I hope to soon do a review on a different blog post on my experience overall.

These are all the motivation tips I can give for working out, hope it can help!

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